See what Debbie said...
Operations Meeting 6-27-07
Attendance: Bruce, Rosalba, Debbie, Vinnie, John, Patrick, Theresa, Frank, Viorell, Fausto, Victoria, Drew, Rosa, Felicia, Maurice, and Vincent
• VIP Meeting this Friday 6/29 in Birches with the Ownership and consultants
• Carpet installed in Ballroom –target date is between Dec 25-Dec 31 time frame
• Voice of the Customer report passed around-We’re ranked 100 out of 300 hotels, and up from last year where we were ranked 158. That is a huge leap!
• Inspection went well
• Briefing on change over from Stay online to Hilton Stay Connected- Our support person, Israel, is staying in room 187 if we need assistance
• Housekeeping monthly meeting coming up on Tuesday
• New uniforms coming soon
• Month end inventory being done
• Good shape as far as recruiting
• Site Tours-Wyeth was in-Thanks to Nita –upon arrival they were so impressed with Nita’s greeting that it set the tone for the rest of the site tour
• Lehman Bros. Site tour as we speak-food tasting for possible January booking
• Barr Labs in today went well
• Rosalba working with Linda to visit Winebow for sales call and to drum up business
• Entertainment travel is coming July 1st: Diana Ross’ band-“Stop in the Name of Love”
• Jeff on vacation until July 5th
• Sales office closed 7/4 –a few catering people may be in
• Unilever Site –went well they booked-so thanks to everyone
• Vinnie is moving out…. “sounds like a Billy Joel song”
• Russell is on vacation –thanks to Vincent and team!
• With regards to Payroll, all managers must advise staff about the policy of punching out for lunch. Please reinforce the policy and revisit it with your staff to make sure they know if they go for lunch they MUST punch out. We’ve noticed that there are several people not punching out for their breaks.
• Holiday coming up: PAF’s due Thursday June 28: Timesheets will be done
6/23-6/28 and then for Saturday 6/29 one day only – need ASAP – Gina has to transmit payroll on Monday due to the holiday coming up
• Employees working for other depts –
• Busy weekend again –last weekend multiple flips very busy
• Joe Critelli sends his regards
• Tomorrow 500+ people in the ballroom 6:30pm for that FAA meeting –heads up
• Danielle away until July 10th-see her for in-house meeting needs
• Next Wednesday evening the guest reception is cancelled
• Spa closed 7/4/07 holiday
• Luke vacation until 7/5
• Metro fire –2 open items to take care of
• Exterminator will come to do poolside rooms
• Outside security hired last weekend –went well to help with a busy weekend
• Water given out to guests upon departure on Wed and Thurs mornings
• Concierge-began a theme night with the Chef making different theme menu each night
• Thanks to all for going over your rap session minutes
• Follow up with your staff and get back to her by 7/18
• She and Melissa looking into a possible group outing to Great Adventure-more to come on that
Rosa continued:
• HR closed this Saturday 6/30
• Melissa will be recruiting in Spring Valley tomorrow, and then she is off, returning on 7/5
• 14-day forecast
• Kristen on vacation 7/3 and returns 7/8. Cathy will be working on Saturdays as of 7/7
• Reservation office closed on July 4th Holiday
- Jun 30 Sat 2007 21:49
Debbi said...